Monday, July 13, 2009

Autism Support Booklet: Thanks for the critiques

The requests for Same Child, Different Day over the last month were exciting. Granted, I gave the autism family support resources away, but that was the point for this 'promotion'. Now I'd really like to hear from those of you who got a free copy of the booklet; time to keep your end of the bargain.

I look forward to your honest critiques and comments. You can email me privately at, or you can post a comment below. Either way --- and as long as you let us --- your opinions will be shared with the other readers.

But I have a deeper purpose than just comments on a blog: this is one leg of a multi-faceted marketing survey. I have bigger intentions for the booklet, and you my friends (and of course, your helpful words) are one piece to that plan.

So, if you've gotten the free autism support guide Same Child, Different Day, then I'm calling in your chips, as it were. Please email me or comment below when you can. I'm looking for honest opinions, suggestions, things you were satisfied with, something there should be more of, whatever there may have been too much of, or things that made you laugh or cry. I'll read all your comments and emails, then decide next which direction to take the resource.

If you haven't received a copy of Same Child, Different Day: One family's experiences during the first year after a child's autism diagnosis, you can still get one by ordering from the sidebar to the right. As before, first select from the drop-down the pricing based on the quantity you desire. You'll be able to select an exact amount when you get to the order page --- the price is $4.95 per copy or less, depending on the number you request.

Of course, if you order at the right, please email me explaining that you've placed an order with PayPal. Oh yeah, and don't forget to let me know how you stumbled across this little world.

Please let me know if I missed anything else.


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